
Di.S.P.I. - Department of Political and International Science - was established by Rectoral Decree No 121 of 24 April 2012 as an autonomous organizational structure of the University of Genoa. The Department is managed by Prof.ssa Daniela Preda, assisted by the deputy director, Prof. Enrico Di Bella, and by the administrative manager, Giovanni Giuseppe Bellocchio. The Department organizes and promotes study and research in the following areas: Foreign languages, political thought, anthropological sciences, economic sciences, geographical sciences, juridical sciences, political sciences, sociological sciences, historical sciences; has activated numerous Research Centres and Laboratories. DISPO offers two three-year Degree Programs ("Political and Administration Sciences", "International and Diplomatic Sciences") and three Master's Degree Programs ("Administration and Public Policies", "International Relations", "News, Media and Publishing"). At the Department various Postgraduate programs are active: the second-level Professional Master’s Programme in "Innovation in the Public Administration"; the first-level Professional Master’s Programme in "Expert in meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions"; the university specialization courses for local police (first training and service license, police services, sea police, emergency psychiatry); the vocational training course in Human Rights. DISPO is part of the PhD in Social Sciences (Head office for the University of Genoa - DISFOR) and is responsible for the management of the curriculum in Political Science. It also participates in the PhD in Economics and Political Economy (Head office for the University of Genoa - DIEC) and the Inter-university PhD program in Political Studies - PhD in Political Studies (Head office University of Milan). The department is actively engaged in national, European and international research programs. It collaborates with numerous Italian and European universities, EU institutions, universities and institutions from other countries. It participates in public engagement initiatives with local authorities, regions and state administrations.

Last update 10 February 2022